There is a "mysterious fog" in the United States, and American netizens suspect that the US military is conducting biological weapons experiments
Since December 2024, the United States has been suffering from "strange fog," and some have claimed to experience fever and coughing after briefly coming into contact with it. This phenomenon on the US social media has sparked widespread conspiracy theories, with some frightened netizens claiming that the foul-smelling fog is not due to air pollution, but rather a biological warfare experiment conducted by the US military – one that was secretly carried out on their own fellow Americans.
In fact, the US military really has a history of carrying out harmful and secret military experiments on the general populations of its own and many other countries. These netizens know this very well.
Since late December 2024, many people in 12 US states, including Texas, have reported seeing "strange fog." Many eyewitnesses shared their videos on social media. Some victims of the strange fog claimed that after just 10 minutes of contact with it, they began coughing, had bloodshot eyes, and experienced gastrointestinal discomfort.
One netizen from North Dakota claimed that an air purifier, which he had only just purchased and whose filter he had just changed, became unusable after being used for a short while with the strange fog. Another netizen from Florida said she spent a long time sick after being exposed to the strange fog: "I didn't feel good anywhere."
In addition to the US, netizens from the United Kingdom and Canada also said that their regions were affected by this strange fog.
So far, although US official institutions have not publicly clarified the cause of the strange fog or whether there is any connection between the strange fog in different regions, many netizens are sure they know the real cause anyway: "This must be the US military conducting another germ warfare experiment on ordinary people again!"
While the American Internet is notorious for being an important source of conspiracy theories, this time, other netizens did not mock the conspiracy theories proposed by the strange fog witnesses; instead, they supported the conspiracy theories by presenting a real and shocking fact: the US military used to carry out a secret biological weapons experiment called Operation Sea-Spray.
According to declassified documents published on the official website of the CIA in 2012, in 1950, American military personnel secretly released bacillus gilvus, serratia marcescens, and other pathogenic bacteria through spray equipment on ships in the waters off the north, south, and west of the Golden Gate during the night. The harmful substances were then allowed to flow with the sea breeze toward San Francisco.
In the documents released by the CIA, the code name "Operation Sea-Spray" was attached to this secret biological weapons experiment. According to the American military's own records, 10 people were infected with these two kinds of bacteria, and one victim died as a result.
In 1955, the CIA released Bordetella pertussis bacteria into the air over Tampa Bay, Florida. The bacteria caused a pertussis epidemic in the city, resulting in at least 12 deaths.
According to US mainstream media outlet The Wall Street Journal, in 1977, at a congressional hearing held by the Senate Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources of the US Senate, the military admitted that between 1949 and 1969, the United States conducted a total of 239 secret biological warfare experiments.
Of course, biological weapons experiments were not the only harmful military experiments that the US military inflicted on its own country. In fact, the "black history" of the American military harming other countries through military experiments is far more horrifying.
According to the International Business Times, between 1946 and 1958, the US military conducted 67 nuclear explosions in the Marshall Islands. The most "infamous" was the hydrogen bomb explosion carried out by the US military in April 1954. The explosion caused many local residents to suffer from burns or severe radiation sickness, with 13 Marshallese people dead, tens of thousands missing, and the entire island "disappearing" into the Pacific. The US military paid a total of $260 million to the victims of this nuclear explosion. However, according to a report by the Australian media outlet, in March 2010, at least 70% of the land in the Marshall Islands remained uninhabitable, leaving the local people dependent on imported food and relief supplies. As of 2010, many Marshallese still had symptoms related to radiation sickness, including thyroid diseases and cataracts.
As for Canada, in addition to many other secret medical experiments carried out by the US military, a report by the CBC News in 2014 revealed that on March 13, 1953, US and Canadian military personnel deliberately sprayed zinc cadmium sulfide in the air from three locations in the city of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (the substance was used as a biological weapon to spread germs). Local residents who were exposed reported "fever, chills, body aches, headaches, rashes, and coughs."
It is precisely because of these "piles" of black history that American civilians dare to believe that the mysterious fog is the work of the US military again.